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Sponsorship Levels

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A chart comparing sponsorship levels (Platinum, Gold, Silver) with associated benefits and costs for a conference.
Platinum Level - $2,500 
  • Full page ad in conference CEU booklet
  • Logo ad on conference website
  • Vendor booth space (1 table 10’x10’) at conference
  • Vehicle space outside of vendor hall
  • Private vendor reception 
  • Logo ad streamed in between sessions.
  • 2 complimentary conference registrations
Gold Level – $1500 
  • ½ page ad in conference CEU booklet
  • Logo ad on conference website
  • Vendor booth space (1 table 10’x10’) at conference
  • Private vendor reception 
  • Logo ad streamed in between sessions.
  • 1 complimentary conference registration
Silver Level – $1000 
  • ¼ page ad in conference CEU booklet
  • Logo ad on conference website
  • Vendor booth space (1 table 10’x10’) at conference
  • Private vendor reception 
  • Logo ad streamed in between sessions.